Photo by Flickr user Rosewoman

Objectives & Strategies


The Catalyst4 program’s key objectives and strategies are organized into four areas:

Job Creation & Training


To train and create a sustainable workforce, while eliminating blight and building stronger communities.


Create an apprenticeship program that provides those in need of employment with skills in construction and other trades and related cottage industries.

Supportive Services


To establish a structure that provides training with the support needed to successfully transition into the workforce in construction and other trades.


Implement a mentorship program that supports the development of the soft skills necessary for trainees to become valued employees. Also provide trainees with access to mental health and social services to enable them to overcome the challenges that previously served as barriers to successful employment.

Blight Abatement


To renovate blighted homes in the surrounding cities, boroughs, and suburbs, transforming them into safe, decent, universal housing for all, available as both rental and montage properties.


Trainees will learn construction, other trades, and housing renovation skills through classes and on-site construction and blight renovation projects, working alongside skilled mentors and instructors.

Community Revitalization


To build community pride through partnerships, education, and compassion.


Renovate blighted properties and invite neighborhood input for projects that will help develop community pride and sense of place for all individuals.

Call to Action

If you – or someone you know – could benefit from our job training program, which helps unemployed and under-employed people enter construction and other trades, find out how to become a Catalyst4 trainee.

If you or your organization could help Catalyst4 achieve these objectives and carry out these strategies, please learn more about how you can help.